New Understanding of Scripture is Coming

Two Books with New Foundational Biblical Truth

A Promise of True Biblical Understanding - On the Level of Any Post-Apostolic Biblical Insight. Two Books, Volume 1 & 2 with a Working Publication Date of Spring 2022.

Revealing Foundational Biblical Truth Hidden in Plain Sight as if Parables Within the Hebrew and Greek Texts of Scripture. Perhaps Not Since the Early 2nd Century, anno Domini, has ANY within Hellenist judaism, Magisterial christianity, or secular "scholarship" Comprehended [or Been Candid About Their Ignorance Towards] These Historical and Doctrinal FACTS. While Traversing Both Testaments, Even Shakespeare Comes On the Scene, Rendering Light to Where Many Delight in Dim Views of an Oft-Disparaged Act. The Impact of These Works Will Affect All Who Claim Orthodoxy or Adherence to "sola / tota Scriptura" in Their Respective Faiths. Some to Correction or Rebuke, Others to a Breath of Vitality. To Those With Un-Restrained Giddiness in Mocking Scripture with Self-Confident Delusion, These are a Witness Against You.

Independent of Bible Versions; No "Bible Codes" Required. Just the Pure WORD.

If you have ever stumbled on understanding difficult Scripture from the New Testament, uncomfortably explained by those experts who purport to be the learned ones, some relief is coming. God willing, sure answers to many perplexing historical and doctrinal issues shall be unveiled in these coming written works. The effect of this forthcoming knowledge will be to impact any honest truth-seeker whether now within Judaism or the New Covenant Way of the Anointed Jesus [Joshua, Yeshua, Master, LORD, YHWH]. If we are, indeed, in a closing stretch of the "Last Days" as many claim to profess, it should not be surprising that true knowledge of God's Word will be increasing.

To be clear, the promise being made here is not for more exploitive biblical prophecy and geo-political guesswork. The books to come will, without doubt, rebuke many and reveal to all, the solid, unbreakable thread woven from Moses to Messiah, the Anointed One from God. Neither apologist nor counter-missionary, keepers of knowledge nor discerners between heresy and truth, will be able to stand with clear conscience when the True Light of the Word in their own books, misused and disparaged for tradition and gain, is revealed at last.

While two books are largely completed, work in Greek to English translation, and formatting and publishing continues. Hopefully, future readers will agree that any early perceptions of "marketing hype" will, on the contrary, come to be welcomed realization. However, most assuredly, those with stakes in personal or institutional position and traditions will in no way welcome total rebuke of their disengenuous convictions.

At present, there are no plans to put excerpts on this page, but once publishing is completed, it is likely that some or all of the front material will be made freely available. There will be no desire to "bait" anyone into purchasing something that is different from expectations or unclear representations.

Each of Volumes One and Two, in ebook format, is tentatively set at seven dollars (7.-USD). Due to the nature of its content, Volume One will be in PDF format only. Volume Two will also be available as a PDF, and availability as an EPUB will be determined at a later time. Physical hard-copy printers are being solicited but, due to cost and delivery considerations, production cannot yet be confirmed. By design, the books will only be offered via personally controlled websites using third-party payment systems.

There are no plans to distribute using common on-line book sellers. One conviction in tackling distribution of these works is that, if there is any crucial "meat on the bones" to the knowledge being promoted, the understanding within these books will find its way into those with a need to know. It will be equally satisfying to witness if largely word-of-mouth marketing is sufficient for a collection believed to contain so much profound discernment.

Also true, here, is the stance that popular resellers, social media marketing outlets, and search conglomerations, led by networks of disagreeably dark and hostile practitioners, will be shunned as a showcase for this; a work, personally regarded as most treasured.

And as most in the "orthodox" world of variant faiths behave in a manner indicating that the arm of God is too short without the extension of human intervention; it will be rewarding to observe whether obstacles to distribution, and guidance to assimilate into the acceptably protected media prescripts will prevail. But, since God has declared that even the stones on the ground will proclaim Him if those He calls fail His purpose; there is overwhelming confidence that disseminating this understanding will come about, if the importance of that, being "boasted of" here, is true to belief.

This website content is subject to change.

In the meantime, don't rely on what you hear; search the Word. I wish you all well...